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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Presentation 18.11.2008

Search Engine Thirth Generation

From: Baraika,
1 hour ago

my opinion about the natural language search engines

SlideShare Link

Monday, November 17, 2008

True Knowledge - let see

What is that ?
Is new search engine which should help to find easily knowledges contented on web. The goal as they say should be providing consumers with instant answers to complex questions, with a single click.True Knowledge structures data in a way that enables computers to work and think like humans do. Its ambitions are to be a search engine-like consumer site which can answer questions, be used to add knowledge and also be used just like a conventional search engine. The whole True Knowledge would be presented during 2008. Nowadays work True Knowledge as beta version and for access is necessary registration. In other case you are not alowed to see whats going on at all.

How it works?
Technically the system use the knowledge stored in format which it could understand and after decoding the question it´s able to find and code the answer back in natural language. Because the majority of people is nowadays used to write query in short keyword version is also part of this system possibility to use this clasical style of searching, when the system is able to look for two or three keywords and show results or show the short conclusion on the top of the side.
Difference between normal search engine even between natural language search engine is that True Knowledge enables you also to add yor own knowledges. The difference between wiki is that the format of knowledges is in the format understandable for sysetm, not in the natural language as an wiki article, user is forced to add knowledge in forprepared blank. Nowadays is possible to add all real kinds of information, from some reason is not possible to add knowledge about fantastics things as mystical animals and others. The quality of facts is secured by assessing, which is not described in accesible information.But actually this could be the most interesting point of this platform. Because they actually make absolutely new database of knowledges, which probably should be way to assess the content, but on my opinion it´s really huge goal nowadays in competition of web environment...
But if they really would be able to make assessed knowledge database with some relevant garant or institution in background, then it would be really important search tool.

Nowadays is available beta version. And its really hard to get some information from that, because it usually doesnt have answer and ask you for adding information. Which means that there is really a lot of work to fill the database and link it throught.
As a conclusion I could say that it has potential at least the structure of the searching with the use of natural language and the answer which is formulated in natural language as much as its possible.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Powerset - small miracle

What´s that?
Powerset is one of the modern search engines which tries to facilitates the retrieval in Internet as much as is possible. This search engine arose in San Francisco in 2005 and was founded by Foundation Capital, Founders Fund, Paperboy Ventures and other investors. In 2008 was Powerset acquired by Microsoft.
The whole engine is applied on Wikipedia and Freebase that means that the among of information is limited by among of information consist in these databases. This product was launched in May 2008, thus that means that it´s really young, but in my opinion very succesful.

How does it work?
The basic think, which brough me to this search engine is the use of natural language. It is possible to add query in short version, as we are used from classic search engines, as topic or key keyword. But then is here possibility to add normal question in natural language as for example "How many people were evacuated from new orleans during hurricane katrina?" or "How old is Barack Obama?".
System is able to decomposite this natural language structure on necessary keywords containing the meaning of the query and then use traditional fulltext search method. The result is not just the list of the articles in Wikipedia which consist the answer, but also the clear answer on question in the heading, if its possible. Which means if he hasn´t differently information.
Powerset than provides further searching in articles. Is able to extract thetable of contents which is helpful for further searching. Offers two different views on article and also the link to the original article.
The system is always improving. There are such small details as possibility to highlighte the important parts of text and send it to someone else, which means that he get the same text with the same marks in the text. Simply but very worthwile.

Powerset is one of my favourite search engines. You know how I am exacting...
The point is not in the use of natural language, although I was surprised how well it works. The main point and advantige of this search engine is in his sophisticated structure. Its easy, well aranged and with cosy design. It offers tools as table of contents which really helps and make faster the searching.
I am really curious how it will grow on.