What you will find here

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


What´s that ?

BlinkList is one of the web applications which could help you to save your favourite webpages directly on web. You can than access from everywhere to your own blinklist webpage which will content all your bookmarks and favourite webpages. This service is similar to del.icio.us. Nowadays has this application more than 30,000 users. And it´s completely free.

How does it work?
As a guest you can search the public saved links according the tags whose are presented in the tag cloud at the homepage of this application. You can see who and how taged this or that webpage. And look directly on it.
If you want to use this application, you have to make your own profile, which is really easy and contents just necessarily information as name and email. But you have possibility to use a field for description if you want to.
The "blinking" is based on principle of tagging. Everyone could add his own tag for his favourite webpage. All public tags are than given in one tag cloud which is used for searching. Your own tags are desplayed on your profile and you could use it and classify as you wish. BlinkList offer you also possibility to display your tag cloud on your webpages or blog. This cloud is directly connected to your profile at BlinkList. It could help you, if you want to show somehow your interests on your blog.
In the list of links you could see how many people blinked the webpage and what kind of tags they used. This list could be also private and in that case it serves just to you.

Nice way how to make your bookmarks well-arranged. You can have them always when you are connected to web. They offer just simple search tool but I don´t think that in this kind of application is necessary to have advance tools for searching. It should serve primary for you to make a bookmark. And your tag cloud will be well-arranged because you will do it, as you want.

Resources: www.blinklist.com

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